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Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Recovery Post Workplace Abuse: What lies ahead

Continued from yesterday ...

Here's the story I recounted badly a few weeks ago about the woman minister and the metal roof. It turns out that I wrote down a lot of things during that period of my life (2005). So here's the story and how it fits for me ...
Our minister at the time read an article from Christianity Today (2000 I think) about a Sri Lankan woman who when asked how her church was doing replied "Great" During further conversation with this woman, it came out that some people opposed to Christianity in Sri Lanka had burned the church's thatched roof. When asked how she could say the church was doing great when the opposition had burned the church's roof, she replied, "If God let them burn the thatched roof, He must be going to give me a metal roof!"
My experience at the Humane Society petting kitties appears to have been my thatched roof. It was a good fit for me. A lot of recovery happened during my year and a half tenure petting kitties. It has been a huge blow to lose it.
Yet, I believe God has something better/different for me. I don't know what it is or where. I don't know whether it will be dropped in my lap or if I'll have to search for it.
I just know that it's there.
So I am dubbing the year 2018 as "the year of the metal roof."

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