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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Recovery Post Working Abuse: Grieving Loss; Anticipating Gain

I have an ap on my cell phone from YouVersion which gives me a verse of the day. Today's verse was from Isaiah 43:19: Behold I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth, shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and river in the desert. (KJV)
It's probably normal to pick a verse like that at the beginning of a new year but for me it was meaningful. Because at the end of last year, I lost something very important to me: my volunteer position petting kitties at the Humane Society. Over the 19 months I petted felines of all sizes, shapes, personalities and colours, I began to come alive again. I began to feel peace again. I began to interact with people again. First on a small basis than increasingly larger. I looked forward to what I called my CatTherapy time.
Now it's abruptly gone. Because a "stupid" cat decided to chomp down on me. We'll never know why. But it did.
While I've spent the last couple of weeks grieving the loss, I've also realized that if God allowed this to happen i.e. the cat bite, then He has something new for me. Something better. This verse confirms it to me.
God is going to do a new thing in my life.
So there.

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