Just like as in life itself, there are seasons on the road to recovery. Not as predictable as the cycle of Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer, but still there are seasons.
Seasons that come and go, sometimes without warning. Not in a predictable sequence. Yet, they are there.
A friend who met me in a writers meet up she is heading likens this season in my life as seeing Suzanne start to bloom as is Spring is coming in Suzanne's life and in her journey towards recovery.
Here in southern Ontario, we're attempting to move from winter to spring but with some upheavals in the process. Such as the ice storm here two weeks ago.
Today, my blog will be mostly in pictures.
Starting with the ice storm.
Footsteps |
A new addition: my vinyl greenhouse |
View from the window after the ice storm |
View from inside the (cold) vinyl greenhouse during the storm. |
Another view from inside. I just happen to like this picture which is why I've included it. |
This is what I found under all the mess. Still alive. Not only alive but thriving. The ice storm and accompanying freezing temperatures and snow, etc., didn't detour what was in the ground and coming up from the ground one bit. It only strengthened them and made them all the more beautiful once the bitter cold departed.
The following pictures were mostly taken on Saturday. The transition from winter to spring is still ongoing. Changing daily. One day I'm sure the worst of winter is behind us and Spring is ... well ... spring. The next day, it's chilly again. Cloudy. The sun has gone AWOL or UA or whatever term you like.
Yet, Spring is coming in its own way, in it's own time and schedule.
Miniature Iris planted last fall |
A Hellebore which had started to bud before the storm and picked up right where it left off when the storm hit. |
Close up of the hellbore |
Hyacinth |
I've forgotten the name but again one of the earliest spring flowers |
Closeup of the miniature iris |
Daffodil (duh!) getting ready to bloom any day now. |
This picture included just for fun: a black capped Chickadee which just happened to fly into my car the other day. |
It is just this, recovery is happening. Daily. Slowly. In it's own time. I can't rush it. I can't plan it.
At times, I have to simply endure it.
At other times, I can enjoy it.
Above all, I can cherish the memories of the journey and be proud to call myself a survivor.
Until next time.
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