Our lives. Our walks. Our journeys are all composed of one day at a time.
The present.
The past does influence our present, but it does not necessarily tell me what today will be like.
A whole new day with a whole new set of possibilities. Of potentials.
Each today is different. New. Exciting.
Before we go into today, I feel I need to go into the two most recent yesterdays as they set the stage for today.
My yesterday was a day of coming out of the low mood, the over engulfing depression. The sadness.
It began with a scheduled visit to a new friend who has generously offered to share her furbaby, an elderly ShihPoo, with me. He is soft, cuddly and very very affirming. He never complains and he is always happy for whatever attention I give and he gets. Unconditional acceptance.
His human is great too. Affirming. Even though she is going through her own difficult journey. Difficulties I cannot even comprehend at times.
Next on my schedule was another previously planned visit, to another friend with another set of furbabies - one canine and two feline - for a special meal of pulled pork. Cooked from scratch.
Conversation, acceptance, affirmation by all four - one human, one canine and two felines, plus Celtic music did wonders for my emotions.
This friend is also going through her own difficult journey. One that began at birth when she was born with cerebral palsy. Yet she is one of the most upbeat persons I know.
Now we move on to the day before, when I traveled 45 minutes one way to see my counsellor. I had no idea if I'd be well enough to go, yet felt I had to. So I stocked up on caffeinated coffee in my to go cup, prayed and headed off.
I'm glad I did.
I walked into that session totally down. No spontaneous emotions. No creativity. Feeling how unappreciated I was due to cumulative stuff.
I left with the spark of spontaneity starting to return. I left feeling better about myself. I left with hope started to be restored.
Not completely well. But better. Definitely better.
So now we come to today. To the potential inherent in today.
Today offers a host of possibilities.
A lot of potential.
It's not set in stone. It's fluid like the river near my house. Ever flowing according to wind and weather conditions. Yesterday, it was high because of heavy rains. Today? Today, it will be different. But still there.
And that's what journeying post workplace abuse (and a whole host of other chronic conditions) is like.
Enjoy your today.
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