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Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Resting from Workplace Abuse: Blog in Pictures - Highlights of our national holiday

Today I'm tired.  I feel worn out.  Not really up to doing anything especially writing a blog post.

But then I think that that is to be expected.  Life lately has been full of events:  World Wide Knit in Public Day one Saturday, followed the next weekend by the writer's conference, followed the weekend after by a neighbourhood barbecue which I co-hosted with my neighbours.  Followed by ... yesterday:  Canada Day AND my grandson's birthday which we celebrated by hosting a family barbecue.

So today's written blog has been cancelled.  In it's place are snatches or highlights of our day yesterday.


Canada Day in Stratford, Ontario

Clown making balloon animals for the children.  He had quite a lineup.

I love all the red and white!

Peace and quiet sitting on a bench on the main corner of Stratford

Watching people walking, traffic passing and a pick up truck sporting a huge Canada flag

Buskers at the main corner of Stratford

City Hall in Stratford, behind which are the festivities

The birthday boy

Whimsical photo of chairs all lined up waiting for their humans

We all labelled our cups with a marker.  This was how my son-in-love labelled mine.

Canada Ice Cream for a Canadian holiday and a Canada Day birthday.  I'd love to see our cousins to the south try this with all their stars and stripes!

Red wins!

It was always a tradition for Grammy (me) to make birthday cards for each family member from photos I'd taken.  Over the last few years, I was unable focus enough to make them.  This year,  I'm able to restart the tradition again.  Yay!

Opening presents.  Believe it or not, he wanted pineapple, coconut and nutella!  The way to a man's heart ....

The day - at least our part of it - ended with a bonfire and marshmallow roast.  Unfortunately, we didn't foresee the need for regular marshmallows so the grands made do with what we had on hand - miniature marshmallows!

Tomorrow, hopefully, I'll be rested enough to continue the series on the major key to healing from workplace abuse:  debunking the lies.

In the meantime, have a good day wherever you are.

See you tomorrow....

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