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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Block #3: A Picture For the New Persona - a touch of whimsy

Continuing on from yesterday's blog about why I feel the necessity for a certain amount of anonymity because of the on-going, ever perversive fear of those who not only abused me in the workplace but were not content at the end when I was for all practical intents and purposes out of the workplace to stop.

Up until now, I've used my own picture.  One of my favorites.  Taken during one of our canoe camping adventures - which happened in what I now call Phase 1 of recovery.  The bullying had started and was problematic but only that - problematic.  There was enough other stuff, good stuff, going on in my life that I could compartmentalize that piece of my life:  the piece in the workplace.

That was before.  This is now.

Since I have gone into some pretty deep things in this blog already with more to come eventually, I no longer feel safe having an identifying picture on my blog.

As I said in yesterday's blog, because the adversaries accessed my Facebook status and put their own twist on it, I remain afraid of what they are capable of doing.  When I took the Social Media 101 course and started accessing social media, the fear intensified.

In fact, one of the "adversaries" has accessed my LinkedIn account at least twice in the last two months.  Do I feel comfortable?  No.

However, I knew when I started getting more visible that that was a risk I would have to take.

Because of the above, a face is problematic.  The issue of workplace abuse needs to have a face, a voice, but am I willing at this point in time and space to risk using my own?  The answer is a resounding NO.

So today (and yesterday as well with the introduction of Cassie my new nom de plume) are departures from the hard stuff and side trips into a bit of whimsy.  Something lighter - for the moment.  For a wee break.

Below, I present some options for you, the reader, to consider for the new face of this blog.

First we have "Tavish McDermott", a stuffy we bought on the Isle of Skye during a vacation to Scotland in 2009.  He's kind of cute - and he's innocuous.  He's also very laid back and doesn't seem to mind much of anything.  What do you think?  Do you think Tavish here should become the new face of workplace abuse?  At least for the time being.

The story behind Tavish is that this particular establishment put a small stuffed sheep on the bed in every room.  My daughter loved the stuffy.  When I asked about buying one, they brought one out and placed him on a chair at our breakfast table to see if he would like us.  The other patrons in the breakfast room were dying with laughter.  We apparently passed the test as Tavish came home from Scotland with us and has here ever since.  I haven't heard him complain once.

Another contender for the face of Cassie is this gentleman who worked reception at one of the bed and breakfasts we stayed at in Scotland on the Isle of Skye.  Definitely a bit of male eye candy - if you like guys with white button-down shirts and ties.  Problem is, I don't think he resembles Cassie - as she is definitely ... well ... a she.  I wonder how much of a sense of humour my readers have....

Oh well, back to the drawing board

The third unsuspecting candidate is this woman, dressed in period costume at Edinburgh Castle whose job was to tell us a story. I kind of like her image.  The problem is that she does look a bit scary and Cassie ... well ... Cassie is supposed to be as wholesome as whole wheat bread.  Apple pie.  A Minnesota wheat field.

Then there's the painted guy below which I found on the pedestrian side of a bridge crossing the Ottawa River from Ottawa into Hull, Quebec.  He took my fancy then ... and he continues to take it now.  I kind of like the idea of using him for the face of Cassie.  No one would be able to recognize me from him ... at least I hope.

Here's another option for anonymity ...  a face drawn in the sand.

And then there are countless images in my on-line photo gallery.  Do any of these particular strike your fancy?  Or sense of humour?

The duck?  Looks a bit on the aloof side, but hey!  He's quite sophisticated looking, eh?

The baby?  Isn't he cute?
The high-wire trapeze artist perhaps?
Come any closer and I'll ....  A face only a mother could love.
And then there's the thinker....
And there are hundreds of other options to choose from lurking in my photo gallery ... castles, sunsets, loons, flowers ....

At the moment until I hear from you I'm going with the stuffed sheep.  After all, he is cute,  he doesn't seem to mind and he's not immediately recognizable to those who abused me in the workplace.  A win-win situation all around.

Another option is to change the picture weekly.  From one to the other ... and perhaps back again.

I hope you have enjoyed this whimsical, yet semi-serious, interlude after the heavy-duty stuff of the last few days exploring a new face to go with the name Cassie.

In all seriousness though, I am soliciting your views as to which image you would pick to be the new face of Ramblings of a Deranged Mind (at least for the moment) to match the nom de plume Cassie Stratford?  To cast a vote, write your choice in the comments.  I await your decision with anticipation.  And will abide by majority vote.

However ... if there are no comments?????

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