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Friday, April 12, 2013

Time Out ...

... from recovery for a wee respite to indulge in photos, walks and other enjoyable things.

A very wise bear (aka one of my cubs) advised me early on in my process of recovery to discover my passions.

Passions.  The things that make me tick.  That put that spark and sparkle in my face and eyes.

What are they?  

Photography for one.  Writing.  Creating/crafting.  Travel.  Walks.  They all interrelate.  The camera goes with me whenever I travel or take walks.  I've learned that photo ops come at unexpected moments so to always be prepared (like a good former girl scout shout).  Furthermore, I also write about those times.  Those times of brief respite from the daily task of recovery.  Those times of joy and wonder.

Sometimes the best photo ops are found in my own back yard.  Take this one I shot Saturday April 6th of two robins in my lilac tree.  A cold morning.  It almost looks like Mama and Papa Robin are having a discussion which probably started out with Mama Robin taking Papa Robin to task (in a snarky Robin chirp):  "Why did you insist on coming here when we could be in Myrtle Beach sunning by the ocean wearing my brand new bikini, enjoying the surf, sand, sun and warmth?"

Later the same day, Papa Bear and I went on an adventure to the local annual Maple Syrup Festival in Elmira, Ontario.  Our annual pilgrimage.  Camera in tow.   Although we went early, people were there in abundance.  Everywhere.  The main street was blocked off and filled with all sorts of vendors selling all sorts of products from food and crafts to ... well ... maple syrup.  Not just any maple syrup, mind you, but locally made maple syrup.  On the way to the festival, we passed trees with sap buckets and collecting lines.  Just the week before, I had my first taste of maple sap which tastes like slightly sweetened water.  Even with the crowds, it was a good day.  And being able to relieve it over and over again via the pictures makes it even better.

Then there's the crafting, my favorite right-brain activity which has helped to keep me sane while enriching others' lives at the same time.  Those who read my other blog, The Naked Knitter ( are acquainted with this passion.  Last weekend, in between watching birds in my backyard and attending the Maple Syrup Festival, I was engaged in my least favorite task of creating - doing the finishing.  Weaving in the ends so that the finished work will not unravel.  Making the fringe for the afghans on the right and left in the picture (identical pattern - made with different yarn weights and hook sizes so that one is a youth afghan and one is for a baby).  Afterwards, the passion to take pictures asserted itself with this whimsical idea of hanging them on the clothesline.  This way, I will always have the pleasure of reliving the thrill of seeing these three afghans take shape beneath my fingers long after they have been sent far away to a new (hopefully forever) home.

Then there's the creative spark of the bear who shares my den:  Papa Bear.  His spark usually manifests itself in the humorous.  The unexpected.  I bought this container of playdough for use in my on-going therapy re: broken wrist.  The idea was to squeeze it thereby adding flexibility to my stiff fingers.  Also to pull it apart which uses and strengthens other muscles.  Papa Bear, though, had other ideas.  More creative ones.  I laugh every time I see these fingers pointing out of the container (and yes, I did leave them be).  I couldn't resist.  The playdough is or more value (laughing value) to me in this shape then it is in its regular shape.  After all, playdough is cheap and there is more in the store.  Fingers?  Well ... if provoked I guess I can always give the provoker the finger....

I had more pictures lined up to share, but decided to end with this one in the interest of keeping this posting short enough to keep the reader's interest all the way through.  Books are good.  But not if they're a blog posting.  I managed to capture this little guy on a walk about a week or two ago, on the St. Jacobs (Ontario) Millrace trail.  We often walk this trail.  Although I'm not usually able to walk the full length and back anymore, even a small outing is good.  Getting a photo op like this one exhilarating as these little guys flick and flitter about.  Never staying still for very long.  Always on the move.  Camera shy. They refuse to pose.  Impatient.  But I finally managed to catch one on camera   Which makes me the winner ... at least this time.

These are the things that give me joy.  That put the spark and sparkle back in my eyes.

These are the good times.  The mini vacations from life.

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