... my mind turns to summer. From there it journeys to vacation possibilities. Where we will go this year? What new adventure will we have? And then I start to look through my pictures of previous years. Places visited. Memories of good times. Memories of adventures. Memories of close encounters with Papa Bear. Memories ....
And so my mind wanders back to memories of the first day of our vacation last year, 2011. First stop on our two weeks of wandering around Northern Ontario was Tobermorey, Ontario on the tip of the Bruce Peninsula. Where Lake Huron and Georgian Bay meet. Labour Day weekend in a tourist area. Crowded. Noisy. But still undeniably beautiful. There is a wildness there, sometimes hidden, sometimes not. A place we have been many times in the past. A place which still delights us.
Unknown to both Papa Bear and myself, I was experiencing the first wave of the latent affects of severe stress expressing themselves in extreme fatigue, weakness, lack of balance.
Realizing how tired and shaky I was, we bought sandwiches at the local food mart and took them to the lighthouse point where Papa Bear found a secluded spot, sheltered from people, where we could eat, relax, be alone together and just watch; letting the beauty of the place take over our senses.
From our secluded vantage point, nestled among the rocks, I could see - and take pictures of - the various scenery, watch the people float past, see the boats going to and fro - some out into the lake; others coming back past us to port in Little Tub Harbour.
Behind me, the lighthouse, now disused, paint peeling but still standing tall and strong dominating the strip of land, rose like the beacon in distress that it once was.
In this place, at this time, I felt secure. Loved. Protected. Safe. Physically wrecked but still able to enjoy the moment.
And isn't that what life is really all about? Enjoying the moment? No matter the circumstances? Finding beauty, peace, serenity wherever and whenever it presents? Not only in the tranquil moments and places, but also in the wildness? Amongst the craggy rocks of our existence? With the people we truly love and who love us in return?
Hmmm .... now where can the two bears go this year?
Lovely photographs of places and sights that restore me to a state of balance. My own particular place is the Pemaquid Lighthouse just beyond Bristol, ME. Thanks for sharing your insights with us.